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eSpace Culture Magazine

technologyIn the world today, technology seems to dominate our everyday life. I could give you endless examples but, I believe, it’s unnecessary – just have a look at the many gadgets surrounding you. Have you become a slave to technology? Are you still the master of your life?

We’re practically travelling in space with all the technological advancements. But where does culture fit into this equation? Some might argue that we don’t need it any more. That it’s completely obsolete in a world run by technology.

But the child in me who saw Terminator 2 and violently opposed the grim future would never agree to that. I might have been impressed with the plot of that epic movie because of my tender age but my fair share of reading sci-fi books have backed up the notion that we should never keep our eyes shut to the possibility of a world takeover by machines.

handdBut don’t take it too literally. Maybe you won’t see a company called Skytech. Probably there will be no T-1000. But that doesn’t mean technology will not attempt a takeover… And it might be in the rather unexpected form of a slot machine, for example. Now, if you’re thinking I’d rather throw out my smartphone and delete every last trace of me online, you’re dead wrong. It’s in the exploration of the two worlds colliding that I take interest. We can’t stop the future but we can, I hope, prepare better for it.

That’s why I decided to start a blog. I’d like to explore my thoughts on the matter and share them with you all. So, welcome to my blog and enjoy! I’m not sure where this experiment will take us – but we can’t tell the future, anyway. If you should have any questions or suggestions, drop me a line – I’d love to hear them!

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